Saturday, June 18, 2011

"In the Garden" Figurative Impressionistic Oil Painting Prints Available

In April I was one of 30 artists participating in An Artist a Day event at the Muse Art and Design in Portland, Oregon.  A different artist painted in the front window of the store each day of the month.  In May a reception was held at Milepost 5, and the 30 paintings were auctioned, with 50% of the proceeds donated to benefit Schoolhouse Supplies.

This particular painting was well received; 8"x10" prints are now available for $30 each including shipping (10% of sales is donated to local animal rescue groups.) The print is on luster paper which has a satin finish, and is sprayed with UV blocking spray to prevent fading. This print is vibrant with a wide off-white or white mat under glass in a standard sized 16" x 20" frame.  The print may be purchased below through Paypal. -Janet Amundson-Splidsboel  (original SOLD)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Oil Portrait Live Model

Painting from the live model sharpens an artist's eyesight so I try to do it once or twice a week.  It helps my artistic eye even though portrait painting is not what I primarily do. This is a recent 18"x24" two hour oil portrait I did using Craig Srebnik's limited pallete,  primarily umbers, burnt sienna, Indian red (or similar), black, white, and in this case some cadmium yellow for the model's sweater.  -JAS